Failure To Maintain Control Of Vehicle In Dangerous Arizona Traffic Accidents

2025-03-07T23:26:39+00:00February 24th, 2025|Personal injury|

Failure To Maintain Control Of Vehicle In Dangerous Arizona Traffic Accidents Compared to many metropolitan areas, Phoenix has wide open roads with plenty of lanes available, whether you’re a slow driver or only going a few exits, or a fast driver with several miles on the road ahead. But unlike many states, Arizona does not [...]

Injured By a Drunk Driver In Arizona?

2025-03-07T23:26:58+00:00April 21st, 2024|Personal injury|

Injured By a Drunk Driver In Arizona? With events like Barrett Jackson and Waste Management Open starting up during Arizona’s relatively warm weather, visitors are flocking to our state. Tourism is an undeniable boost to the local economy, but these events are also strongly associated with alcohol consumption. That unfortunately means an increased risk of [...]

Woman Loses Personal Injury Award Due to Christmas Tree Tossing Photos

2025-03-07T23:26:52+00:00March 25th, 2024|Personal injury|

Woman Loses Personal Injury Award Due to Christmas Tree Tossing Photos Activities to Avoid During a Pending Injury Claim Despite an effort by corporations and insurance companies to paint personal injury plaintiffs as greedy and lazy opportunists, this usually couldn’t be further from the truth. Personal injury awards are meant to help accident victims move [...]

Traffic Collisions In Rental Cars In Maricopa County

2024-03-22T15:36:36+00:00March 22nd, 2024|Personal injury|

Traffic Collisions In Rental Cars In Maricopa County  Whether you are just here to visit or your car is in the shop, rental cars can provide a convenient alternative to public transportation and ride-sharing. Unfortunately, it can add another layer of stress if you are involved in a car accident while driving a rental car. [...]

Understanding Rear-End Car Crashes in Tempe, Arizona: Causes, Injuries, & Legal Assistance

2024-02-11T19:25:41+00:00February 9th, 2024|Personal injury|

Understanding Rear-End Car Crashes in Tempe, Arizona: Causes, Injuries, and Legal Assistance Our Arizona Injury Lawyers Discuss Rear-End Car Crashes in Tempe Rear-end car crashes are unfortunately all too common in Tempe, Arizona, just as they are in many other cities across the country. These accidents can result in serious injuries, significant property damage, and [...]

Cell Phone Use & Traffic Accidents in Phoenix, Arizona

2024-02-11T19:09:27+00:00December 7th, 2023|Personal injury|

Cell Phone Use & Traffic Accidents in Phoenix, Arizona Whether your phone buzzes and there’s a text you’re anxious to receive, or you want to change the music to something that better matches your mood, phones can be a big temptation when on the road. Unfortunately, as useful as our phones are, they are a [...]

Failure to Yield Accidents in Arizona

2022-01-24T19:40:03+00:00November 29th, 2020|blog, Personal injury|

Failure to Yield Accidents in Arizona Our Arizona Personal Injury Attorneys Discuss Failure to Yield and Right of Way Accidents in AZ Why are Failure to Yield Accidents so Serious? Failure to yield accidents can be especially serious for many reasons. Depending on the circumstances, one or both drivers may be driving at a high [...]

Traumatic Brain Injuries in Personal Injury Cases

2020-10-05T00:29:59+00:00October 5th, 2020|blog, Personal injury|

Traumatic Brain Injuries in Personal Injury Cases Whether you’ve been injured in a car accident or a slip and fall, one of the most life-shattering injuries you may suffer is a traumatic brain injury, or a TBI. There are different types of TBIs, which can vary in severity. Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries TBIs are [...]

Traumatic Brain Injuries in Personal Injury Cases

2020-07-19T23:04:24+00:00July 19th, 2020|blog|

Traumatic Brain Injuries in Personal Injury Cases Whether you’ve been injured in a car accident or a slip and fall, one of the most life-shattering injuries you may suffer is a traumatic brain injury, or a TBI. There are different types of TBIs, which can vary in severity.  Types of Traumatic Brain Injury TBIs are [...]

Drivers Running Red Lights and Causing Fatal Accidents is at a 10 Year High

2020-02-28T20:20:45+00:00August 31st, 2019|Uncategorized|

AAA is recommending that drivers and pedestrians use caution at traffic signals, as the number of people killed by drivers running red lights is higher than is has been in a decade. According to AAA data and crash data, in 2017 (the latest data available), 939 people were killed because of a vehicle going through [...]

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